About Us

Transforming Agriculture through Innovation and Accessibility

Embett Agro is a for-profit agriculture company in Ghana incorporated in February 2018 under the Companies Act, 1963 (Act 179). The principal place of business is at digital address AK-193-4256, Plot No. 13A, Bomso, Kumasi, with an operations office in Yendi Municipality in the Northern Region of Ghana. It also operates community resource centers managed by Strategic agribusiness Partners to bring agro-inputs and services right to the doorstep of farmers.

Our Focus

We focused on delivering superior agro-inputs and services through a robust platform to enhance the viability of agri-enterprises, and sustainable farming, improve farmer livelihoods, and reliable supply chain for agro-commodities.

The overriding objective of the company is to provide a one-stop shop for farmers to access inputs, service delivery, and training to boost yields and further, to provide a ready market for farmers to sell their produce at competitive prices. 

This is achieved, through strong win-win collaborations with local enterprising talents, and supply and value chain actors with the view to create and share rural prosperity, hence our mantra;

“Making agriculture friendly to improve livelihood and business”



To become the preferred one-stop shop for farmers to access productivity enhancement packages and services, through the most efficient and reliable supply chain network.


Forge local for-profit partnerships to deliver superior agro-inputs and services through a robust platform to enhance the viability of agribusinesses, sustainable farming, improved farmer livelihoods, and a reliable supply chain for agro-commodities.

Plot Mapping
Farmer Profiling