Data Collection
Data Collection

We use advance GPS technology at the highest precision to map and digitize farm plots.

Agric-Mechanization Services
Agric-Mechanization Services

Ploughing, Planting, Harvesting, Threshing, Fertilizer application, Disease and pest control.

Data Collection
Training & Extension Services

We provide trainings in gap, financial literacy, post-harvest handling, marketing, etc.

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Experts In Agribusiness & Inoculants

At Embett Agro, we take pride in being experts in both agribusiness and inoculants. With a deep understanding of the intricacies in agribusiness and a dedicated focus on innovative solutions, we are your trusted partner in maximizing crop productivity and sustainability.

Data Collection

Our data collection activities span farmer profiling, farm plot mapping, farmer household surveys, farm-level surveys, baseline & endline data collection and analysis. Our data collection tools include:

Farmer Profiling

We deploy powerful techniques to conduct know-your-farmer (KYF) profiling to aid decision-making. We have the technology to support our clients signing on to our standard KYF platform or producing a proprietary KYF according to their needs.


We apply innovative techniques to conduct various types of surveys including child labor prevalence, baseline & endline data collection and analysis, yield estimation, productivity improvement, household income monitoring, etc.


We use advanced GPS technology to map and digitize farm plots. This allows our clients to correctly locate and remotely monitor farm plots. Our clients and farmers are placed in good stead to deliver the right interventions for increased productivity.

Embett Agro, Agribusiness Partner
Plot Mapping
Farmer Profiling

Boost Your Soybean Yields with Confidence!

Nodumax Plus: Inoculants: Agribusiness

Key Features of Nodumax:

  1. Unleash the Power of Inoculation: Nodumax-Plus revolutionizes soybean farming by harnessing the incredible benefits of inoculation. With its advanced formulation, Nodumax-Plus introduces beneficial nitrogen-fixing bacteria to your soil, creating a symbiotic relationship that drives exceptional growth and productivity.
  2. Skyrocket Your Yields: Say goodbye to average harvests! Nodumax-Plus empowers your soybeans to reach their full potential. Experience a significant increase in yields, allowing you to meet market demands, boost profits, and take your farming to new heights.
  3. Superior Nutrient Absorption: Nodumax-Plus goes beyond yield enhancement. It optimizes nutrient absorption, ensuring your soybeans receive the vital elements they need for robust growth. Witness healthier plants, stronger roots, and exceptional resistance to environmental stressors.
  4. Easy Application, Lasting Benefits: We understand the demands of modern farming, which is why Nodumax-Plus is designed for convenience. Simply apply Nodumax-Plus during the planting process, and let it work its magic. Its long-lasting effects persist throughout the growing season, providing continuous benefits for your soybean crop.

Don’t settle for mediocre soybean yields when Nodumax-Plus offers you a game-changing advantage. Join countless farmers who have witnessed remarkable results and secured their farming future with Nodumax-Plus.


Agric-mechanization services

Together with our partners, we are moving agric from conventional labor-intensive subsistence farming to modern mechanized and improved cultivation practices. Our climate smart mechanization interventions are geared towards sustainability, roll-back the ominous effects of climate change and securing food supply systems.

Inoculants for soybeans



  • We partner with seed, chemical, and fertilizer companies to deliver high-quality inputs to smallholder and commercial farmers. These partnerships allow us to deliver improved & hybrid seeds, approved herbicides, chemical and organic fertilizers to the doorsteps of our farmers.
  • We provide input credit support to smallholder and commercial farmers in maize, rice, and soybean production.
  • We are distributors of Nodumax Inoculant in Ghana, Green Concept Organic Fertilizer, and Fertgro Organic Manure.


Produce Aggregation and Trading

In collaboration with our sister company Southwestern Commodities Limited, we maintain a network of aggregators and off-takers to provide a ready market for farm produce, including Maize, Soybeans, Rice, Shea nuts, etc.

Agriculture: Produce Marketing and Trading
Agriculture: Embett Agro


Training and Extension Services

We provide training in GAP, climate-smart agric systems, irrigation, financial literacy (including VSLA formation), post-harvest handling, produce marketing, social, gender, and environmental issues.
This is done through our network of agronomists and extension officers across the districts.

Our partners

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